Are you curious what is happening in the “old country,” our ancestors’ homeland in the Carpathians? Are you interested in visiting? Or, if you have visited, are you interested in sharing your story?
Lemko Association president Paul Best visited Slovakia, Ukraine, and Poland this summer. He will share photos and the impressions of what is going on in and around the Carpathian homeland that he took away from that trip. There will be an open discussion after Paul’s presentation. Come participate or just listen!
This event is sponsored by the New England chapter of the Carpatho-Rusyn Society. It will take place Sunday, October 21st at 11:00am, at St. John the Baptist Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Church, 364 Mill Hill Avenue, Bridgeport, Connecticut.
The slide show and discussion will take place in the church hall following services. Come early at 9:00am for Holy Liturgy followed by coffee and a pirohy sale. Or come right at 11:00am for the presentation.
We look forward to seeing you there! For more information, call Paul at 860-345-7997 or contact us.
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