Where does Nikola Tesla’s extended family live? Did the prime minister of Albania ever come to Connecticut? What effect did Remington Arms, Colt Manufacturing, and Winchester Repeating Arms have on our Lemko and Rusyn communities? Where was the first “hufli” in the United States held? How many Eastern Orthodox churches are there in Connecticut? Oriental Orthodox? Eastern Rite Catholic? How many have closed since the year 2000? Are any of you a turtle? What church was designed by one of H. P. Lovecraft’s favorite painters?
All these questions and more will be answered in a presentation on
The History, Development, Status, and Future
of the Eastern Christian Churches of Connecticut
led by Lemko Association treasurer Robert John Klancko of Woodbridge, CT
Saturday, May 2nd, 2015, at St. John the Baptist Orthodox Church, 364 Mill Hill Ave., Bridgeport, CT.
Potluck lunch (bring something to share!) at 1:00pm, presentation and discussion at 2:00pm.
Come meet up with old or new friends, network, and learn!
Bob is an authority on the history and development of the Eastern Christian churches in North America. He worked closely with Very Rev. Paul Schnierla, the late secretary of SCOBA and the Antiochian Archdiocese. He maintains a reference archive of over 15,000 volumes and 300 journals related to the life of Eastern Christians and their ethnic communities.
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