

Zabava in Binghamton August 31, 2024 – get your tickets soon!


Pozývame vás na našu krojovu zabava. Dufam, že sa tam stretneme!

Our friends from the ACRY are hosting a “Krojová Zábava”, a traditional Carpatho-Rusyn folk dance party, in Binghamton, New York on August 31, 2024. It will be a great way to round out your summer.

It includes a buffet dinner, dancing and live Rusyn music from the fantastic Lem Joy Trio!
Participants are encouraged, but not required to wear traditional folk kroj, or embroidered blouses, vests, skirts or pants.
Tickets are available only until August 16, so get them now:
Adults: $50
Ages 13-17: $22
Ages 5-12: $18
Ages 4 & under: Free
https://bit.ly/24ACRYRegistration  (look for the boxes marked “Saturday dinner” on that page)

The zabava will be at St. Michael’s Rec Center, 296 Clinton Street, in Binghamton.

Binghamton is an easy three hour drive north of Manhattan and only an hour or so from much of eastern Pennsylvania. For those coming from out of town, the same Web page has information on discounted hotel rates, available only through July 31st.

For questions, email BinghamtonACRY at gmail dot com.


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