Carpatho-Slavic Studies Group Newsletter #5, July 1996

(Published with the assistance of Southern Connecticut State University)

No.5, July, 1996
This newsletter is an occasional publication for researchers and others interested in the Slavic inhabitants of the Carpathian mountain region of Central Europe and their descendants wherever they may be. These people have been called at various times in various places, in several versions of the Roman and Cyrillic alphabets, Lemkos, Boikos, Hutsuls, Lemaki, Rusnaks, Rusins, Rusyns, Carpatho-Rusyns, Carpatho-Ukrainians, Carpatho-Russians and other names.

The Carpatho-Slavic Studies Group is an informal collection of scholars and others interested in the topic. There are no political, religious, or other requirements necessary to take part in any activity of the group except, of course, an interest in the Slavic Carpathian region. The group does not and cannot take any stand regarding national, ethnic, religious, linguistic or other questions concerning the Carpatho-Slavic area. Any and all viewpoints are welcome as long as they are defended in a polite way and on a scholarly level.

If you are interested in being on the mailing list for the Newsletter and the triennial journal, Carpatho-Slavic Studies, or would like to take part in our activities in any way, please contact:

Prof. Paul J. Best
Secretary, Carpatho-Slavic Studies Group
Political Science Department
Southern Connecticut State University
New Raven, Connecticut 06515-1355

NOTE: new telephone numbers
Telephone (203) 392-5660
FAX: (203) 392-5670

There is a registration form on the last page of this newsletter. If you have already filled out a registration form there is no need to send in another one.

A name, a name, what’s in a name?

In organizing Carpatho-Slavic Studies Group meetings rather interesting difficulties arose. Originally our Studies Group used the term “Rusyn,” which all interested parties would basically agree was an old and honored term for the East Slavic inhabitants of the Carpathians. However, despite that, both orally and in writing, some worried about the use of the term “Rusyn” today, lest it be viewed as a device to attack those of a Ukrainian orientation. For example, the “First All-Ukrainian Congress of Lemkos” meeting in Ternopil, June 6, 1992, protested, in point 9 of the concluding declaration, against “anti-Ukrainian provocations in Poland, Slovakia and Transcarpathia” which used the name “Rusyn” in an anti-Ukrainian way.

At the meeting of the Group in July 1992 in Cracow and later at the Institute of Ethnic Studies in Lviv the question of our name was thoroughly discussed. Since the whole idea of the Studies Group is to provide a forum for discussion of all problems relating to the East Slavic inhabited Carpathians and since there is no wish to debar anyone who has a defendable point of view from taking part in our activities, it was decided to modify our name. It is hoped that use of the broad term “Slavic” in place of Rusyn will make it clear, once again, that the Carpatho-Slavic Studies Group is neutral, not a tool in support of anyone’ s cause. It is probable that not everyone will be satisfied with this resolution but it appears to be as close as one can get to an unbiased/impartial term in the English language. Additionally, immediately bordering West Slavic Poles and Slovaks cannot be ignored in our deliberations, further supporting the use of a generic “Slavic” term.

People who are genuinely interested in the Carpathian region ought to be able to discuss mutual concerns in a civilized manner.

After living for 25 years in the city of New Haven, your secretary moved out to a country home. He has gone through three different computer systems in recent years which rather mixed up the mailing list. In the process of moving and changing computers much Carpatho-Slavic correspondence was put into a box, packed away and forgotten. Thus, recently, your secretary was shocked to find a stack of unopened and, obviously, unanswered mail while organizing his basement. Also, copies of Vol. II of Carpatho-Slavic Studies were not sent out to all who ordered them. Please accept my sincere apologies to all concerned and please reorder what you would like to have.

Paul J. Best, Secretary
II. Carpatho-Slavic Publications

Please note the order form for publications on the second last page. Issues 1 and 2 of Carpatho-Slavic Studies are available, without charge, in a plain paper booklet format. Both issues are also available, as a single volume, printed on Hammermill 24 lb. acid free library quality paper, hardbound in light blue, with gold lettering on the spine, at the non-profit cost of $40.00U5. This latter volume is suitable for presentation to libraries, friends, or for your own book shelf If you are in a position to do so, please ask your local or university library to order a copy.

The last 20 copies of Icons from Poland, a beautiful full color art book with 70 Carpathian icons pictured are available. The text is in English and included is a review of the book by Prof. Best. The last box of this 1989 publication was acquired by the Carpatho-Slavic Studies Group for distribution to its members at the “at cost” price of $20.00 each.

III. The V World Congress for Central and East European Studies was held in Warsaw, Poland in August 1995. Carpathian papers delivered at the congress will be available in the plain paper booklet form at $5.00 each. If you are interested in a copy do not pay now. You will be billed with the issue when it is sent. The papers, to be edited by Prof. Jaroslaw Moklak of the Jagiellonian University of Cracow, Poland, are as follows:

Volume III – 1996

edited by Jaroslaw Moklak and Paul Best

Papers delivered at the V World Congress of Central and East European Studies (Warsaw, Poland, August 6-11, 1995).
I. “The Ukrainian idea in the Lemko Region in the 20th century”:

a. “In Literature” Agnieszka Korniejenko (Jagiellonian University, Cracow) .

b. “The Political Aspect” Oleksandr Zajcew (University of Lviv) .

c. “The Religious Aspect” Bernadetta Wojtowicz (Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich) .

II. “Polish and Ukrainian Scholars Concerning the Ukrainian Movement Among Carpathian East Slavs” Jaroslaw Moklak (Jagiellonian University, Cracow) .

III. “Ethno-national Orientation Among Lemkos of Poland” Susyn Yvonne Mihalasky (University of Toronto) .

IV. “A Few Comments on current Periodicals dealing with the Carpatho-Rusyn Question” Paul J. Best (Southern Connecticut State University, New Haven) .


IV. The Third Congress of Ukrainists (Ukrainian Studies Conference) will be held in KharkivUkraine August 25-30 1996.

V. The Third World Congress of Rusyns was held in Ruski Kustr in Voivodina (Serbia-Yugoslavia) in 1995. The Fourth Congress is expected to be held in Budapest. News of this event will be published here when more information becomes available.

VI. Enclosed please find a brochure about Carpatho-Rusyns supplied by the Carpatho-Rusyn Research Center. We understand there are also Slovak, Polish, Ukrainian and Rusyn versions. If anyone has similar materials which can be distributed to our group, please forward 300 copies to the Secretary for inclusion with the next Newsletter.

VII. A World Wide Web Site is being contemplated on the Internet. Anyone who knows of a site in existence or who would like to help the secretary in constructing a site please indicate same by Email or ordinary mail.

VIII. Conference on Polish Ukrainian Relations During World War Two.
Very, very preliminary discussions are now taking place concerning a conference about what happened between Poles and Ukrainians during W.W.II — which occurrences were not much different from what is happening in Bosnia today.

The projected date would be Spring 2000, possible sites include Bellagio, Italy (Rockefeller Foundation villa), Cracow, Poland or Lviv, Ukraine. Results would be published as conference Proceedings in English, Polish, Rusyn and Ukrainian versions. A panel session about this topic at the VI World Congress for Central and East European Studies in Tampere, Finland, July 29-August 3, 2000 is also contemplated. Obviously echoes of the Polish-Ukrainian conflict reverberated in the Carpathians where Rusyns either of the Ukrainian or Rusyn persuasion were caught in the cross-fire. Equally obviously the Germans (and Austrian-Germans) played their own particular roles.

This topic is still a hot and delicate one and anyone interested in some aspect of it is invited to contact the secretary to get on the prospective participant list.

IX. The Tables of Contents of the two currently available issues of Carpatho-Slavic Studies are reproduced here for your information.

Carpatho-Slavic Studies
Volume I – 1990

Introduction i
I. Konieczny. Zdzislaw
Materials in the Polish State Archives
in Przemysl Relating to Lemkos 1

II. Moklak, Jaroslaw
Political Orientations Among the Lemkos
in the Inter-war Period: 1918-1939 9

III. Zieba, Andrzej
Poland and Political Life in Carpatho-Rus and Among Carpatho-Rusyns in Emigration in North America: 1918-1939 23

IV. Mnich, Leszek
The Secrets of the village of Volosate 41

V. Best, Paul J.

Three Essays on the Lemko Question: 55
1. The Lemkos as a Micro-Ethnic
Group 57

2. Moscophilism Amongst the Lemkos 75

3 The Lemko-Rusnak mountaineers
and the National Question in
People’s Poland 85

VI. Wojcik Wieslaw
The Lemko Question on the Pages of
Polish “Country knowledge” (Krajoznawstwo)
publications 95


Carpatho-Slavic Studies
Volume II – 1993
Table of Contents Page

Introduction i
I. Best, Paul J.
The Carpatho-Rusyn Question In Poland: a discussion paper 1

II. Parczewski, Michal 25
The Beginnings of East Slavic-
West Slavic Differentiation in
the Carpathians

III. Szanter, Zofia 39
From Where Did the Lemkos Come?
(concerning settlement from the
south slopes of the Carpathians
in the Beskid Niski and Beskid
Sadecki regions)

IV. Struminski, Bohdan 63
The origin of the Lemko Dialect

V. Moklak, Jaroslaw 71
The Phenomenon of the Expansion of
Orthodoxy in the Greek Catholic
Diocese of Przemysl: Missionary
Action of the Orthodox Church,

VI. Krochmal, Anna 93
The Greek Catholic church and
Religious “Sects” in the Lemko
Region, 1918-1939

VII. Michalasky, Susyn 111
Lemkos in the Polish Press,

VIII. Szanter, Zofia 137
An Essay on the Carpathian church
in the Family of European Churches

IX. Duc-Fajfer, Helena – 153
Contemporary Lemko Poetry and the
Problem of so-called “Lemko Separatism”


Order Formfor
Carpatho-Slavic Publications

check box of publication(s) desired:


1 . [ ] Issue #1 Carpatho-Slavic Studies plain paper/booklet format no charge

2. [ ] Issue #2 Carpatho-Slavic Studies plain paper/booklet format no charge

3. [ ] Icons from Poland $20.00
(a full-color, Carpathian Icon Art book)*

4. [ ] Issues #1 & #2 Carpatho-Slavic Studies $40.00
hard-bound in light blue with gold lettering on
acid free library quality paper.

5. [ ] Issue #3 Carpatho-Slavic Studies $ 5.00
plain paper/booklet format

Note: A) Prices include, book-rate surface shipping
*B) For item #3 make check out to: INTER-ED Inc.
C) Do not send money for items 4 and 5 yet. You will be billed when the publication is ready for shipping. I only need to know now how many copies to prepare.

(Cut here)

Ship to:



City: State/Province: ___________Postal Code______________


Send order to: Paul J. Best
Political Science Department
Southern Connecticut State University
New Haven, CT 06515-1355


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