For Your Information
June 2001
Dear Colleague:
You are receiving this letter because the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies records indicate you are professionally active in the study of Poland, Ukraine, Romania, Hungary or Slovakia and thus might be interested in the Carpathian Euroregion (see enclosed map).
Let me, therefore, take this means to announce a modest publication program dealing with the Slavic inhabitants of that region and other things related to them. Starting in 1988 a small group of interested scholars have been meeting occasionally to discuss Carpathian matters and a collection of 25 papers from three conferences has been recently published as:j
1. The Lemkos of Poland (details and an order form enclosed).
We expect to soon publish another volume of 25 papers as:
2. The Lemko Region 1939-1947: War, Occupation and Deportation. These papers come from a conference held at the Jagiellonian University at the end of May of this year.
In manuscript form for publication next year is the two-volume work:
3. The Lemko-Rusnaks in their Homeland, a history of the Lemko Region
4. The Lemko-Rusnaks in Diaspora, a study of the dispersed Lemkos in Poland, Ukraine,
the Americas and Australia.
Also, assuming agreement of the publishers, translations of:
5. Mazur, Rojek and Zgorniak, Wojna I okupacja na Podkarpaciu i Podhalu (War and Occupation in the Carpathian Foothills and the Tatra Highlands) Cracow: Ksiegarnia Akademicka, 1998, 400 pages, a history of the Polish Home Army’s Nowy Sacz Inspectorate, 1939-1945.
6. I. F. Lemkin [Yoan Polansky] Istoriya Lemkoviny (the History of Lemkovina)
(Yonkers, NY: Lemko Soyuz, 1969) 380 pages. A history of the Lemko Region by a
principal actor in the main events of the 20th century.
We would hope you will order our current publication and will want to be informed about our other small press-run books as they are published. Further, if you might like to take part in future activities concerning the Carpathian Euroregion, please send us a letter of interest along with a short resume.
Sincerely yours,
Paul J. Best, Director Carpathian Euroregion Studies Center
Secretary of the Carpatho-Slavic Studies Group
401 Seabury Hall
A Campus of the Connecticut State University System
An Equal Opportunity University
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