

Just re-published: Simeon Pyzh’s 1938 “Short History of Carpathian Rus'”

Pyzh 2016 cover

Back in 1938, longtime Lemko Association leader Simeon Pyzh wrote a short Lemko-language history of his native region, boldly presenting his views that:

  • The Slavic population of Carpathian Rus’ is autochthonous to their region— it is their original homeland!
  • The appropriate language for Carpathian Rus’ is neither literary Russian, nor literary Ukrainian, but the people’s own language!
  • The conflict between Russophiles and Ukrainophiles in Carpathian Rus’ was regrettable; they had been played off against each other as part of a ‘divide and rule’ strategy.

His insights remain valuable today, over seventy-five years after they were first published,
so we are glad to offer a revised translation that makes them more accessible than ever to the English-language reader.

A new biography of Dr. Pyzh and the complete original 1938 text are also included.

The price of $19.95 ($14.95 for Lemko Association members) includes shipping within the United States.

Members can order on our member discount page using the password in your membership materials.
Or order below.

A Short History of Carpathian Rus’
by Simeon Pyzh
translated by Andrew J. Yurovsky and Paul J. Best
ISBN 978-1-938292-07-1

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